Understanding Neurodivergence: Embrace Differences

In recent years, the term “neurodivergent” has gained traction online as an empowering concept that celebrates the variations in human cognition. It represents a shift towards embracing neurodiversity and recognizing the inherent value of diverse neurological experiences.  Let’s define just what it means to be neurodivergent. A neurodivergent is an individual who thinks, perceives, learns, […]

5 Tips for Managing Emotional Eating and Breaking the Cycle

We all need (and deserve) a little treat every now and then. But emotional eating — also referred to as stress eating — can be a challenging habit to break. Whether you’re stressed, anxious, or just feeling bored, it can be tempting to reach for your favorite comfort food as a way to cope. While […]

ADHD and Anxiety: Why They Often Occur Together and How to Cope

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and anxiety are two mental health conditions that often coexist. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), up to 50% of individuals with ADHD experience symptoms of anxiety. For those who experience both ADHD and anxiety, it can feel like a juggling act. On one hand, ADHD […]

In-Person vs. Online Therapy: Is Virtual Counseling Effective?

The world is rapidly changing, and so is the way we approach mental health care. The COVID-19 pandemic shifted the way we approach healthcare, and mental health care is no exception. With social distancing guidelines and restrictions on in-person gatherings, mental health professionals adapted to provide online therapy as a convenient and accessible alternative to […]

The Rise of Psychedelic Therapy: How Legal Tripping Could Curb PTSD

Psychedelic therapy may sound like some hippy-dippy, kumbaya stuff straight out of the 60s. But as a growing number of clinical trials continue to emerge, researchers are finding that psychedelic substances like psilocybin, LSD, MDMA, and ketamine may be promising treatments for depression, anxiety, and PTSD. In a controlled setting with a clinician, that is.  […]

Music Festivals for Neurodivergents: Avoid Overstimulation

Every spring, the city of Austin and its innovative art and music scene ramps up for SXSW, one of the biggest music festivals of the year. The festival attracted more than 205,000 music enthusiasts in 2022—41,000 of whom likely live with a mental illness.  Music festivals can be a source of fun, excitement, and unforgettable […]

Harness the Power: 7 Proven Mental Health Apps

mental health apps

In recent years, there has been a surge of people seeking help for mental health concerns from their mobile devices. As many people struggled during the COVID-19 pandemic to cope with the 25% rise in anxiety and depression, mental health applications became a popular way to cope with symptoms while in-person support was restricted. Two […]

A Love Letter to People-Pleasers

People Pleaser

A Love Letter to People-Pleasers You might not be sure if this is for you. Or maybe you’re very aware of it. Maybe you recognize the tell-tale signs of self-sacrifice within yourself and are tired and overwhelmed from all the effort it takes to keep the people in your life (and even strangers) happy.  You’re […]

Harnessing Exercise for Mental Well-Being: Expert Tip

trauma therapist austin

We all know exercise is essential for physical health, and it’s becoming common knowledge that working out can also boost mental wellbeing. Unfortunately, not all of us are able to experience those benefits. The CDC reports that only one quarter of American adults exercise the minimum amount necessary to live a healthy life. In addition […]

Harnessing Mindfulness: Breaking Free from Doomscrolling

cognitive behavioral threrapy austin

The bad news: social media can make bad news seem endless. Ever catch yourself scrolling through story after story of civil unrest, climate peril, warfare, political controversy, or economic downfall? You may have fallen into the vicious cycle of doomscrolling. Doomscrolling refers to binging negative news or social media posts about upsetting topics. The phrase’s […]