Ditching Dating Apps? Try Mindful Dating (Very Demure, Very Cutesy)

Dating has never been easy. While dating apps surely had their time to help foster connections, especially during the pandemic, we may (finally) be collectively over them. According to a Pew Research poll, 45% of people are frustrated with dating apps, contrasting a 28% who still feel some hope. It’s no surprise there’s been a […]

9 Ways To Find Your Calm: Proven Anger Management Tips

We’ve all been there – stuck in traffic, dealing with a frustrating colleague, or feeling overwhelmed by life’s daily stressors. Anger can sneak up on us in the worst moments and quickly spiral out of control, leaving us feeling out of sorts and sometimes ashamed. If you’ve ever felt your face heat up, heart race, […]

7 Cognitive Distortions to Uproot from your Belief System

Once upon a time, you toppled off your first bike. What happened next was likely pivotal in your self esteem formation. An older sibling might’ve said, “That’s okay, try again!” Or a parent might have fretted over your knee and whisked you inside. Over time, your family’s comments followed patterns that ultimately shaped your beliefs […]