Self Esteem

FAQ about Self Esteem Therapy Austin TX

Self-Esteem Treatment

Self-esteem is how valuable, worthy and confident you feel about yourself. When you feel good about yourself, you feel confident and don’t let worries hold you back. You are able to handle life’s challenges with confidence.

You might think that low-self esteem is not that big of a deal. However, low self-esteem can drag you down and sabotage your relationships, career, and happiness. If you’re ready to change the way you think about yourself, our targeted treatments can help you regain your confidence.

Signs of Low Self-Esteem

Are you considering self-esteem treatment? Take a mindful moment to observe if you:

  • Are highly critical of yourself
  • Constantly downplay your positive qualities
  • Blame yourself for things often
  • Feel inferior to others
  • Assume that your wins are due to luck
  • Are overly sensitive to criticism from others
  • Have a hard time believing a compliment
  • Believe that you are not worthy of good things
  • Avoid trying new things because you are afraid that you might fail
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Regain Your Confidence with Self-Esteem Treatment

Your treatment for low self-esteem will involve identifying and treating even deeper concerns. Low self-esteem is not a mental health diagnosis, but it is a symptom of many other mental conditions like depression or anxiety. To help you regain your confidence, our specialists will recommend one or combination of several treatment methods:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – Learn to identify and modify negative thought patterns that are harmful to your self-esteem with CBT. By changing these thoughts, you can also transform negative feelings.

Rational emotive behavioral (REBT) – Like CBT, REBT helps you identify negative, self-defeating thoughts and replace them with healthier, more realistic beliefs that enhance self-esteem. REBT is solution-focused and short-term.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) – If your low self-esteem causes a lot of emotional distress, MBCT may be effective for you. You’ll learn practical coping skills and how to challenge and replace negative thoughts. This form of cognitive therapy combines CBT practices with mindfulness. 


We understand that you may feel unloved, unworthy, or unable to accomplish your goals. It doesn’t have to be that way. Start on your healing journey today by booking your first appointment with one of our specialists.

It can get better. We can help.